One of my big projects this summer has been revamping my “Focus Wall”. I use my mimeo (Smart Board) for a lot of the number sense and daily phonemic awareness stuff…but I wanted to make sure I was really using that space around where my morning message and the projector….projects. I’ve looked at a million Focus Walls on blogs and pinterest this summer, and here’s what I’ve come up with so far.
The sad looking paper is where my morning message will go. I will switch out our vocabulary weekly (from our Language Arts, Math, and Science Vocabulary). My sight words are color coded. I use the Rainbow Words system. We learn the purple words first, then the blue…etc. To the right you can see my mimeo and my magnetic number lineand magnetic alphabet. To the left you can kind of see my helper chart and my calendar.
This is the other side of the board. We will do the date, and number of the day activities (that get progressively harder as the year goes on). We will also use a magnet to track how many days we are in school on the 100 chart. After 100 days, I add the “rest” of the days and we track both how many days we have been in school, and how many days we have left. I LOVE my new magnetic border around everything
On the (newly painted black) file cabinet, you can see my daily schedule. It along with everything else is printed on fabulous magnet paper! It has saved me so many times! Best invention ever.
Sharing my Focus Board freebies for anyone that wants them!

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