If you've ever been to one of my SDE sessions, you know how much I love finding ways to play in the classroom and Kindergarten Play Centers, and one of my favorite centers is my Fine Motor Center. They are a big part of my morning routine. I've had SO many questions recently about what materials I use, plus I just had a bit of a shopping frenzy, so I thought i would update!
Fine Motor Center
Fine Motor Bins: When
When my kindergartners arrive in the morning, the first thing they do is put their coats (and snow pants, mittens, boots...) and backpacks away. They bring me their Tiger Notebook (a folder for sending papers back and forth), and sign in for milk. They write their name on a sign in ticket every morning. I save samples throughout the year for their portfolio.
Core Bites
Our morning work is on the table when my kindergartners arrive. Occasionally it is a handwriting sheet, but most days it is a Core Bite. We developed our core bites as a quick practice and review of skills we are learning throughout the year.
Core Bites on TPT
Fine Motor Bins: Why
When they finish with their Core Bite, there is usually 5-10 minutes left before we meet on the carpet for morning meeting for them to choose a Fine Motor Bin. I developed my fine motor bins first because I was seeing more and more students in my classroom who needed more practice developing fine motor skills.
I also wanted some fun, open ended activities that would build those motor skills, but also allow my munchkins to start the day in play and interacting with others.
Fine Motor Bins: How
My fine motor bins are set up in rainbow colored tubs (rainbow...imagine that!). The students check for their name on a nearby rainbow chart, then they know what color fine motor bin they can choose from that day. Every Friday we have "Free Choice Friday" when they can choose any bin.
Fine Motor Bins: What
My fine motor bins have lots of things to choose from. Some more academic, and some just for fun, but they all help build their finger strength. I switch things out as needed (meaning they aren't being chosen or they aren't being used appropriately).
Some materials that I add are: silly putty, beads and pipe cleaners, beads and feathers, puzzles, rainbow looms, pot holder looms, pop beads, mini party favor games like barrel of monkeys and connect 4, along with Lakeshore fine motor materials.
I just added some new things I'm totally excited to introduce:
Old Keyboards With Words
Doodle Balls on Amazon
Easter Tic Tac Toe Games (from Walmart)
Zen Artist Board
This is so cool! They paint words, letters, or numbers with water and watch it slowly dry.
Buy The Book Balancing Game
Lots of challenge cards, and a cute little cat that has to balance on the books. I love that it includes a mini level.
Ice Cube Trays on Amazon
This is always a favorite. Small ice cube trays, marbles, ice cream scoops, and a dice. There is something very satisfying about filling the trays with marbles.
Magnetic Handwriting Practice on Amazon
These are a favorite in my classroom! They come in uppercase, lowercase, cursive,
numbers, and a "drawing" board.
Magnetic Schoolroom on Amazon
I also have a magnetic dollhouse and a farm. They choose these often.
Fractiles On Amazon
Very cool! We make all kinds of great designs with these.
FUZE Beads On Amazon
FUZE beads are HUGELY popular in my classroom. It means I'm always behind on my ironing but check out these amazing creations.
Added something new this week! They are called Lollipoptors and they are hard to describe. The kids spin them and they stop in different patterns. They are a bit mesmerizing....check out the video from my classroom!
Thanks for playing!
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