Along with a lot of rest and just plain laziness this Christmas break, I did do a little school reading…
I've read other things by Debbie Miller, and always loved them, but this was my first time reading this book. I HIGHLY recommend it. I love the way she works hard at helping kids make goals, and be responsible for their own learning, all the while getting them excited about becoming a reader, and learning about HOW kids can help themselves grow in reading. Her class discussions and format also work REALLY well with my work on substantive conversations in my classroom.
In my usual over-eagerness…I am seriously rethinking my whole schedule and the way I do book boxes and mini-lessons in my classroom. I would love to hear from other kindergarten teachers who implemented ideas from this book in their classrooms. Send me and email!
I spent some time this afternoon revising my "Happy New Year Mini-Unit". We go back to school on the 2nd this year…which means I have 2 odd days to fill. These 5 math and literacy activities are what I am planning.
Baby New Year Labeling
Making 12 addition
Months of the Year Write the Room
New Year's Resolution Book
Happy New Year Dice Game
Click Here for a freebie of the New Year Dice Game.
Click HERE for the whole unit on TPT.
Happy New Year!
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