Kindergarten Teachers Rock!

I just got home from an amazing couple of days in Ohio presenting to a bunch of incredible Kindergarten teachers.  Last month, I presented at the Chicago Kindergaten Conference, and next month I go to Maryland.  I’m feeling so lucky to have the opportunity to meet so many great teachers, share with them a little about what I do in my classroom every day, and getting so many, many ideas from them to take back to my own classroom.  
It has me reflecting a lot today about my BFF, Dr. Jean Feldman, who so many years ago, encouraged me to start presenting.  Who swore to me I had something to share, even if the thought of standing in front of a bunch of “grown-ups” terrified me, and even if I don’t sing, or have published a ton of books.  She believed in me, and that’s all it took.  So thank you, my friend.  I hope to see you soon!
I also need to say a big thank you to my new friend Dr. Danny Brasell.  He is an AMAZING presenter, and once made me cry saying nice things about me as a teacher and about my website when he didn’t even know I was in his audience.  Now, he has become a great person to share a cab/shuttle back to the airport with as he gives me GREAT advice about all this presenting stuff that is so new to me.  Thanks Danny!  

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